
Camp Zehnder

3911 Herbertsville RoadWall, NJ 08724
Phone: 732-836-9177
Business Hours: June – August, Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. with extended care 7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.Email: summerfun@ymcanj.orgWebsite: Visit Website

YMCA Camp Zehnder is an ACA-accredited summer camp nestled on 140 acres in Wall, NJ. Kids 3-15 explore nature, discover new talents and activities, and make lasting friendships. With safety top of mind, kids develop their potential through outdoor adventures including swimming, biking, sports, archery, kayaking, fishing, zip-lining, trips, and special guests. Campers engage in positive activities with caring staff that model the Y's core values of caring, honesty, respect, responsibility, and inclusion. Role Models in Training develop older campers as counselors and lifeguards. Financial assistance is available for those who qualify. Camp registration is now open at this link and open houses start in February.

Follow our fun at and register today for the BEST SUMMER EVER!

Visit this link for all YMCA of Greater Monmouth County camps located in Wall, Red Bank, Old Bridge and Freehold to learn  more and register today. Be sure to tell us you saw it on Macaroni Kid.

We’re hiring role models! Visit this link to learn about rewarding seasonal jobs at the Y as counselors, lifeguards and ropes instructors!