"Be careful what you wish for," as this modern twist on the Brothers Grimm fables comes to life in this adaptation of the Tony Award-winning musical. Into the Woods Jr. is a whimsically enticing adventure, weaving together the stories of some of your favorite storybook characters including Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, a cunning Wolf, Jack and the Beanstalk, Rapunzel, and a Baker and his Wife who have been cursed by a Witch. Their journeys intertwine as they embark on their magical adventures into the woods in search of their Happily Ever Afters...
Into the Woods Jr. is an enchanting and wildly entertaining story with humor and wit for children and grownups alike. The show features a cast of talented Monmouth County youth, ranging in ages from 8-18, and is produced by Pivot Theatre Company, in partnership with the Holmdel Theatre Company, Executive Produced by Alison Schultz, with Direction and Choreography by Lisa Goldfarb, and Music Direction by Christa Dalmazio and Randal Hurst. This fully-staged theatrical musical includes an imaginative set and lighting, with spectacular costumes that bring this magical fairytale to life!
With music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and book by James Lapine, this delightful and amusing musical includes rich, lyrical songs such as, "Hello Little Girl," "Giants in the Sky," and the Finale, "Children Will Listen."
Don't miss this fantastical fairytale! Into The Woods Jr. will be performed at The Duncan Smith Theater located at 36 Crawfords Corner Road, Holmdel, NJ 07733. Tickets are $25 for adults and $22 for students. Performances take place on January 22nd at 7pm, January 23rd at 1pm and 5pm, January 29th at 7pm, and January 30th at 1pm and 5pm. For tickets or more information, visit www.pivottheatreco.com. For the January 23rd 1pm show only, use code MACKID to make all tickets $20!