
Macaroni Review: SuperThings will be a Hot Holiday Toy this Season

By Stacey Jones November 8, 2019

Trying to guess this year's hot holiday toy? We've got some exciting news for you. Already a huge hit in the UK and Spain, SuperThings are arriving to the USA this month and are sure to be on your child's holiday list. Here at Macaroni Kid, we are one of the first to receive these toys here in the States, and we are so excited to share them with all of you!  

We were so excited to receive boxes of these new, fabulous toys to share with our readers. SuperThings are coming soon to Amazon and stores including The Calendar Club and Go! Calendar, Toys and Games, but Macaroni Kid has them first. They come in fun packaging that conceals which figure you will unveil. This brings the excitement to an all time high as your child is filled with anticipation to see which SuperThings figure they will open. 

There are over eighty different SuperThings to collect. If your kids are anything like mine, they love to collect toys and line them up to see what else they need to complete their collection. What a special way to enjoy a surprise together as they reveal which SuperThings they selected.

The kids loved the various colors and shapes of the SuperThings figures. They are a huge hit! Once your kids have one, they will want more to add to their collection. Plus, the SuperThings can even fit on top of pencils! There are so many fun ways to collect and play with these toys. 


If you see us in the neighborhood, stop us and ask for a SuperThings toy for your child. We'll be out an about sharing these with our readers over the next few weeks, plus you can watch our newsletter and social media for giveaways. 

Make sure to watch for SuperThings coming soon to stores and Amazon, as they are sure to wind up on your child's holiday list this season. 

Learn more about SuperThings at this link. Check out this video of us opening our huge shipment of SuperThings!