
Multiverse Game Station's Video Game Truck is Perfect for Your Party

By Stacey Jones July 2, 2017

Multiverse Game Station's Video Game Truck is a party in a box loaded with video game consoles and a massive library of video games. A climate controlled game theater pulls right up to your home. You and your guests step inside to experience the ultimate video game party!

Your Game Coach supervises the video game party so that you can focus on the fun and your video game party will be a low stress success. Become Master of the Multiverse with this supreme birthday idea or family event that will top them all!

Video Game Truck Parties Consist of:
*Grand arrival of our loaded luxury game theater to your home or appointed address! Our game truck trailer features seven widescreen hi-def TVs.
*Inside the truck, there are 5 main stations. Multiple consoles (Wii U, PlayStation 4, XBoxOne) at each station make changing games easier and convenient, plus it means no down-time for any of your guests!  There are plenty of options for 4 player games at each station. We also have 3 of the brand new Nintendo Switch consoles. All the newest games from Wii U, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and XboxOne.
*Outside Awning Station: Two more widescreen TVs. Perfect for XBox Kinect, motion sensor & Just Dance games. We DO NOT charge extra to use that station.
*Stadium seating to allow more friends & observers. We have a flat custom bench that goes straight across (as opposed to individual bucket seats). This makes it easier for kids to change stations or join someone's game.
*We also keep 3 Nintendo 3DS units in the truck, this way if a child is waiting for a turn they have something to play. (Sometimes, someone doesn't want to play a multiplayer game and they'll just stay on the truck playing the DS.)
*We are self-powered! We have our own generator to power the Video Game Truck.

All of the pricing is based on time, so it's a matter of how long you would like us there at the party.  We arrive early to set up and start at your designated time. We DO NOT have any hidden travel fees, nor do we charge extra based on the number of guests:

Tons of game choices are available, included the newest released titles. Our certified Game Coach is an on-site tech that assists with playing the games and encourages fun and balanced play for guests. Emphasis is put on multi-player games, it's the ultimate party for a group to have fun together at birthday parties, events, festivals and more. There is no Video Game Truck today that will thrill your crowd the way we can!

Learn more about Multiverse Game Station's Video Game Truck and book your party today.  Be sure to tell us you saw it on Macaroni Kid!
Phone: 732-779-2209